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суббота, 25 июня 2016 г.

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mother



Breastfeeding benefits mothers as well as their babies. It is the best choice for your baby because it can protect them against illnesses and provides the best nutrients for their bodies. What benefits does the mother get out of this?
After the birth, each time your breastfeed, your body releases oxytocin which helps your uterus contract and shrink back down to its pre-pregnancy size. Breastfeeding helps the mother lose weight more easily after the pregnancy.
Nursing your baby can increase your emotional health, women who breastfeed are less likely to develop post-partum depression. Nursing also forces you to sit down and rest while you are feeding your baby. You may not be able to take a nap while your baby is feeding, but you can sit back and kick up your feet for a little while.
Breastfeeding can reduce the chances of breast and ovarian cancer. You can reduce the chances of developing breast or ovarian cancer by as much as 25%-50% depending on how long you have breastfed your baby. The longer you breastfeed, the greater your chances are of reducing breast or ovarian cancer.
One of the greatest benefits to mothers is that breastfeeding is free. It doesn’t cost anything to give your baby the best nutrients available. You can give your baby a head start by giving them your own milk. Even if you factor in the price of nursing bras, nursing pads, a breast pump, and breast milk storage bags, it is still less than the cost of formula feeding.
Not only is it free, it is readily available. How easy is that? There’s no need to warm up bottles or prepare formula.
Breastfeeding benefits the baby as well as the mother, if you want to give your baby the best start possible breastfeeding is the best choice. Help your body return to its pre-pregnancy shape by nursing your new baby and enjoy this time with her before they grow up.



Weaning a Baby from Breastfeeding – How?

If you are exclusively breastfeeding your baby, when do you need to start weaning your baby? It is recommended that you continue to breastfeed your baby up to 2 years of age. However, your own circumstances may be different and you may choose to do so when you are ready.
You may be returning to work and need to have your child weaned to make the transition easier. I suggest you give yourself a couple weeks to attempt to wean your baby since it must be done gradually.
You want to start by eliminating one feeding at a time and it should be the feeding that your baby needs the least. So night time and a nap time feedings would be the last to go. You can start by trying to eliminating a mid morning feeding by distracting your little one with other activities such as going to the park or playing outside.
Wait a few days to a week or two before you try to eliminate another feeding. You want to take things gradually so that your baby gets use to the idea and to prevent engorgement as well.
I would not offer your breast to baby but I would not refuse her either. Try offering milk in a cup instead. If you usually sit in a rocking chair to feed make sure to stay away from routines that are associated with nursing.
Make sure that you have a night time routine in place so that when you are ready to eliminate the night time feeding, it should be easier to do so. A night time routine can include a story time, a bath, and a lullaby. Whatever, you choose make sure it is routine and consistently done each night so that baby knows what to expect next.
I would not suggest being physically absent for your baby while you are weaning, this can be too hard on baby. Take things slowly and eventually baby will get used to the idea of not breastfeeding. This doesn’t mean you cut out all the time spent bonding together. Make sure to replace that skin to skin contact with lots of hugs and snuggles.
Weaning a baby from breastfeeding can be painless for both you and baby as long as you take things slowly.

How to Breastfeed your Baby

You have just delivered your new baby, chances are your baby is ready to eat. If you will be breastfeeding your baby, now is the time to start.
Your baby has come screaming into the world, she’s alert, now is a great time to start bonding by feeding your new baby. You may be exhausted and scared but don’t worry you will get the hang of things. The shock will wear off and then you’ll realize that your baby has to eat.
Breastfeeding is never how you imagined because when you pictured it, you probably did not have a crying, moving baby. I thought it was going to be a completely natural experience, boy was I wrong.
Which positions can you breastfeed your baby?
There’s the cross cradle position where you have hold your baby across your body with your left arm and position her onto your left breast by gently guiding her head with your right hand. Make sure that your baby’s tummy is facing you and you have her close to your body.
The cradle hold is where you support the baby’s head with your left hand and guide her to your left breast while your baby’s body is supported by your right arm.
The football position works best if you have a nursing pillow, the baby body is on your right side underneath your armpit. Your baby’s head is facing your right breast underneath your right arm. You can support her head with either hand or use a nursing pillow, which is more comfortable. Make sure your baby’s bottom is tucked in.
The reclining position or lying down position is great for night time feedings. You lie down on your side and have the baby on her side facing your breast with her body parallel to yours.
When you bring your baby’s mouth to your breast in all positions, make sure the baby’s mouth is open wide, and then position her onto your areola (skin around your nipple). The baby should have a wide open mouth while on your breast to ensure that you don’t get sore nipples.
To unlatch your baby from your breast, do not tug the baby away, use your finger to break the suction to release her from your breast.
How often do I nurse the baby?
The baby’s stomach is tiny, and they will need to feed often, usually between 2-4 hours. If you see your baby sucking her tongue or fingers, she is hungry. Do not wait until your baby is crying, that is beyond hunger. That will also teach the baby to cry for food. In the first days, you may have a sleepy baby but you do not want to go longer than 4 hours without feeding your baby.
Feeding your baby often helps bring in your milk supply which will take about 2 to 3 days.
These are my tips on how to breastfeed your baby, enjoy this time with your newborn, they will grow up so fast.

5 Tips to Reduce Stress for Moms

Are you feeling overwhelmed? How can you reduce your own stress levels as a mom?
As a mother, your job is a 24 hour one, children need to eat, go to school, learn, play, bathe, and sleep, all with your help. It’s no wonder, we feel burnt out by the end of the day.
What can you do to make sure that your day goes a little more smoothly?
  1. Meal Plan: Children and adults alike get cranky when they are hungry. Head off a tantrum by making sure meals are made on time. By planning ahead, you can save time shopping, shop on budget, and cook healthy home cooked meals. The best invention ever – the slow cooker. Throw all the ingredients into the slow cooker in the morning and come home to a hot meal.
  2. Keep a schedule: get organized and keep a calendar of all appointments, meetings, and activities that you need to be ready for. There isn’t anything more hectic than learning the night before that your child’s science project is due the next day or a bake sale that you promised to help out with.
  3. Don’t over schedule: Know your limits, do you really need to have something planned every night of the week? If you schedule is jammed pack with activities, you and your family will get too tired to enjoy any of them. Prioritize, if you can’t handle soccer practice 4 nights a week or a visit from a friend, just say no.
  4. Gets the kids and spouse involved: you do not live in that house alone, if you are tired of picking up toys, get  your kids involved in the clean-up process. If you spouse wants a clean house and hot meal, get him involved as well. If he’s not available to help on the weekdays, get him to take over on the weekends so that you can have a break.
  5. Relax: find some time for yourself to take a break, it may be 20 minutes before the kids wake up or after they go to bed. Grab a book and a hot chocolate and just have a bit of quiet time to yourself. If you can get out of the house, have dinner with a friend or get your nails done. A well rested moms makes a happy household.
By getting organized and getting the kids/spouse involved, you don’t need to feel overwhelmed.

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